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Professional Registration for Apprentices

Use the achievement of your apprenticeship & invest it into becoming professionally registered.

By completing your apprenticeship you may be entitled to apply using a shortened route.

Scroll down to find out more about the support available and learn from other apprentices on why they have applied to become a Registered Scientist (RSci) or Registered Science Technician (RSciTech).

Start your application today

Many practicing scientists and science technicians work across different areas of science; therefore, the Science Council’s registers are for all science professionals, independent of discipline.

Registration is a means of demonstrating professionalism, providing independent recognition of your achievements and maintaining the standards required to join the global community of professional scientists.

We recognise that apprenticeships deliver experience and learning that link well to the registers’ requirements.  We have been reviewing and assessing apprenticeships to identify those that align extensively to the registers, so to be able to offer to apprentices an eligibility to apply using a shortened route, with the apprenticeship certificate acting as the base of the application.

By becoming professionally registered, you also become a member of a professional body licensed to award Registered Scientist (RSci) or Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), accessing all the membership benefits that this brings, details of which are listed below.


Apprenticeship route infographic


These apprenticeships offer an eligibility to apply for professional registration as a Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) using a shortened application route. Click on each apprenticeship to find out more.


These apprenticeships offer an eligibility to apply for professional registration as a Registered Scientist (RSci) using a shortened application route. Click on each apprenticeship to find out more.


Peer assessed: Be assessed by peers on the registry validating your skills & expertise, helping to build your professional reputation.

Post-nominals: Use of post-nominals demonstrates your commitment to ethical conduct & professional development, providing further validation of the skills you have attained and the high performance you deliver.

Community of scientists: Being part of a community, regardless of discipline or sector, can help to break down barriers, amplify your performance & promote collaboration.

Career ambitions: Identify your long-term career goals and plan future professional development to reach clearly set goals.


Access to networks: Connect with other professionals in your field, expanding your professional network. This can open up opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and career development.

Events: Access exclusive events where you can learn about the advancements in your field, interact with experts, and build relationships with other professionals.

Conferences: Attend conferences, where you can learn about the latest research, technology, and best practices in your field.

Continuous Professional Development: Access to a range of CPD activities to help you stay current and improve your skills.

Mentoring programmes: Participate in mentoring programs, where you can share and gain knowledge and expertise with other experienced professionals in your field.

Horizon Scanning: Access to information on future skill needs, helping you stay ahead of the curve and prepare for upcoming changes in industry.

Opportunity to be involved in outreach: Be involved in outreach activities, such as promoting STEM and apprenticeships, helping to inspire the next generation of scientists.

Need support with your application?

We offer multiple levels of support to support your application, including live online workshops, digital resources and one-to-one mentoring sessions.

Online Resource

This provides short tutorial videos, bite-size content and helpful activities, sequenced in a step-by-step order.

Build your application at a time that fits into your schedule.

Access online resource

Live Online Workshops

We offer live, 60 minute online sessions, taking you through each part of a shortened application. These can be arranged directly through your training provider. Please pass on the link below to your provider to arrange.

The content will highlight the features of professional registration and guide you through each task required to submit your application.

Book your place

Individual Support

Use the link button below to review availability & book your one-to-one support slot.

Book 15 mins of support

Need to ask a question or access further support?

Contact our Technical Education team

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Why should you be a member of a Professional Body?

Find out more about how being a member of a professional body can support your learning and professional development, both during your apprenticeship and beyond.

Professional Body Membership

Licensed bodies accepting shortened applications

The following Science Council members are licensed to award RSci and RSciTech using the apprenticeship shortened route. As part of a professional registration application, applicants are required to be, or select membership from one of the following professional bodies.